Friday, March 11, 2011

Earth caring activity of the day!

Please help the earth and stop the litter! One fun activity that you can do with your family and/or friends is---Ok first I'm going to tell you the simple materials that you will need--- Crayons or markers and construction paper! Simple right?  First step-- In each corner of the construction paper, right tips that involve helping the earth. Example-- Take shorter showers to help the polar bears or look far the number 2 with arrows around it before you throw a bottle out, etc. Next-- Write the most important tip in bold letters which is- STOP THE LITTER! Next-- Draw little earths in the back round and color. Then the last step is to either hang these posters on street poles OR you can hold them up as signs as people walk by your house and shout STOP THE LITTER! STOP THE LITTER! OR You can make many many of these posters and hand them out at your local grocery store! Simple as that! Thanks for helping save the earth!!
   If you have anymore ideas on ways to save the earth post a comment right here at!

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